Visit Our Caring Dentist Offices in Rochester
Have you ever consulted your calendar to make a dental appointment and thought, “Wow, it’s been a lot longer than I thought since my last dental exam?” Trust us, you’re not alone. It’s never too late to schedule an appointment with Northwest Dental Group at one of our four caring dentist offices. Here, you’ll find:
- Compassionate dentists and team members who will take time getting to know you and your needs
- Dentist offices full of advanced tools and technology that ensure accurate and efficient treatment
- Your choice of relaxing sedation options so you never feel rushed or stressed out
- Convenient early morning, late afternoon appointments that fit into your busy schedule
It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. Each of our four dentist offices is a judgment-free zone. Whether it’s been six months or six years since you’ve seen a dentist, call us today.

My doctor did such an amazing job.
-Jenny B.

Schedule your next dental appointment adjustment with the exceptional care of Northwest Dental Group
We Make It Easy to Schedule
With today’s hectic schedules, it can be tough to fit in regular trips to the grocery store – much less regular visits to the dentist. We make it as easy as we can by offering extended hours at all of our Rochester locations.
Our Superior Drive and 14th Street locations open at 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and both are open until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. For our “early bird” patients, our Byron office opens at 6:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday.
We use electronic records, not paper ones, so we can exchange information between our locations with the touch of a button. It’s easy to switch the site of your appointment, if necessary!
Take Advantage of Our Same-Day Dentistry Guarantee
If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, it’s easy to get discouraged if there is a long wait for an appointment. That’s not an issue at Northwest Dental Group, thanks to our same-day service guarantee. If you call us in the morning, we’ll make sure you see one of our dentists that same day!
We’ll welcome you with open arms to our caring dentist offices in Rochester. Call us today at one of our locations to schedule an appointment today.
We Serve as Your One-Stop Shop for Dental Services
Busy schedules can make it tough to schedule regular dental visits. Plus, some people stay away because they’re just simply embarrassed about the condition of their teeth, while other patients experience dental anxiety.
No matter what your dental need is, we can help! The best place to start is with a thorough dental exam and cleaning, then we’ll determine if you need any further treatment.
We offer a wide range of dental services, including:
- Family Dentistry
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Preventive Dentistry
- Oral Surgery
- Dental Implants
- Dentures
With their broad expertise, our skilled team of dentists may even be able to help you with issues not directly related to your teeth, like snoring!

Your Oral Well-Being
is Our Priority
- 4 Accessible Locations
- Advanced Dental Technology
- Relaxing Sedation Options
- Care for the Whole Family

Northwest Dental Group