Elevating SMiles
Our team at Northwest Dental Group worked on completely transforming Ashley's smile through Elevating Smiles by Northwest Dental Group. Elevating Smiles was created to make a positive impact on an individual deserving of a free smile makeover in the Rochester community. Through the power of teamwork, we were able to give back to Ashley in a significantly impactful way.
Dr. Dickovich truly transformed Ashley's life with her dental expertise and dedication. She meticulously crafted a treatment plan that not only enhanced Ashley's smile, but also boosted her confidence and self-esteem. We deeply appreciate her unwavering dedication and the positive change she has brought to Ashley's life, making this journey a memorable and rewarding experience.
Ashley embarked on the journey to enhance her smile and it has truly been a testament to her commitment and courage. A smile is one of the most powerful expressions you can wear, capable of brightening a room and spreading positivity wherever you go and we are so glad she now has that newfound confidence!
For the month of February, we are accepting nominations for Elevating Smiles! This is an opportunity for someone to receive a FREE smile makeover!
Click HERE to submit your nomination!