Rochester Dental Veneers
An Individualized Approach to Enhancing Your Smile
There’s not much about your smile you can’t change with dental veneers in Rochester. This cosmetic dental treatment can conceal chips, stains, small cracks, worn-down teeth, and misshapen teeth. Veneers are sometimes even an alternative to orthodontic treatment for minor misalignment or gaps between teeth.
Key Benefits of Choosing Veneers
In addition to their versatility, veneers provide:
- Fast Results – With most of our veneers, you can receive them in as few as two visits. You may even be a candidate for prepless veneers that our dentists can apply to your teeth in a single appointment.
- A Minimally Invasive Treatment – Unlike a dental crown, our dentists will remove only a tiny amount of tooth enamel to prepare your smile for veneers.
- Many Years of Wear – Because our veneers are made of durable materials like porcelain, they will resist staining and look beautiful for at least a decade – and often many years longer than that.
To find out about your options for dental veneers in Rochester, call (507) 203-2332.
Lumineers Veneers Offer Many Benefits
At Northwest Dental Group, we offer three kinds of dental veneers: standard porcelain veneers, prepless dental veneers that can be applied to teeth in a single visit, and Lumineers veneers. Our cosmetic dentists will help you select the restoration that is right for your smile.
We may recommend Lumineers because of their advantages over other types of veneers. They are:
- Less Invasive – Since they are thinner than other veneers, our dentists will not need to remove as much enamel from your teeth before bonding the Lumineers veneers to them. In fact, they may not need to remove any enamel at all! With no preparation, you may not require any numbing.
- Naturally Beautiful – Thanks to its translucence, the porcelain looks like natural tooth enamel.
- Highly Durable – The porcelain also resists staining, chipping, and other signs of wear.
- Reversible – Because we won’t modify your teeth, the veneers can be removed, and your smile will be the same as before.
For dental veneers in Rochester, call (507) 203-2332 or schedule online.
All the staff there are genuinely caring
-Nikita S.
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